Showing posts with label originals. Show all posts
Showing posts with label originals. Show all posts

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

bad song a day: Too Late

Day two of Bad Song A Day. Today's is maybe the worst thing I've ever done. But I was running out of time!

Monday, June 4, 2012

originals: Inception

So for a while I had a segment on called 'Music Mondays' where each Monday I wrote a song and recorded it and uploaded it. This started sometime in July and I had a bunch of songs stashed away to upload around Halloween time. So, at a loss for lyrics, I decided to just steal some from the trailer I was obsessed with at the moment.

Ta da: Inception.

originals: Mr. Maydoff

This was the second song of Music Mondays about Bernard "Backstreet Boy" Maydoff.

originals: Why Do All The Trees Die

So while I was still working on Music Mondays, I wrote this song while riding the 24x on my way to a modern poetry class I was taking over the summer. I thought it would be fun to write a religious song that ended on a really sad note. In my head, it was a joke. But after recording it and uploading it, no one understood it to be a joke.

So this is a really serious song about God and trees.

originals: Things That Go Woah in the Night

So just at the conclusion of, I wrote this song as a part of the 13 Days 13 Shorts celebration (I think. I can't really remember). But nonethelessness it's a song about critters in the wild during Autumn.

original: I Wish

This is a song I wrote/recorded while an episode of This Sh*t is Raw was compressing.